Due to an untenable demand, we have had to close our visible mending services indefinitely. We are currently working on a referral list as well as a resource guide for people to learn this important skill themselves. If you know of someone offering professional mending services, please let us know. Stay tuned to our newsletter for any updates.
Combining our love of textile crafts with the increasing need for sustainability practices, Awl Together Leather now offers full-service mending to those living in the Vancouver/GVRD area. With garments being made faster and cheaper, the push towards a “throwaway culture” is pervasive. Mending is an act of resistance, a choice to prolong the life of a garment. Oftentimes, mending is the step preventing an object from ending up in the landfill far before its time. Mends can be made both visibly or invisibly, as per the garment owner’s wishes.
We offer both visible and invisible mending for garments and textiles. We have a wide range of thread and patching materials available to choose from. Every job is different, but nearly anything can be mended.